Use "died in the holocaust|die in the holocaust" in a sentence

1. In all likelihood, nuclear holocaust.

2. We had Holocaust education in the schools.

3. Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.

4. Holocaust denial?

5. And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust.

6. Since 1990, the Gayssot Act prohibits Holocaust denial.

7. A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.

8. The film aired on public television in Israel on Holocaust Memorial Day in 1998.

9. Many fear that the world will end in a nuclear holocaust.

10. Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography

11. They were German Jews who left in the 1930s, escaping the Holocaust.

12. They were German Jews who left in the 1930s, escaping the Holocaust.

13. Discrimination and violence against Jews increases under Nazi rule culminating in the holocaust.

14. My mother is named after her grandmother, Ella Blaoner, her memory for blessing, who died during the Holocaust

15. Vandals Deface Mural Commemorating Jewish Holocaust Victims in Salonika, Greece

16. The Aftermath of the Holocaust: Effects on Survivors

17. The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims.

18. The museum dedication capped a week of nonstop Holocaust commemoration in the capital.

19. Some groups deny that the Holocaust ever happened.

20. Many in the room were moved to tears by the documentary about the Holocaust.

21. It was a lot like the Holocaust coverage, it was buried in the paper.

22. "Counterfeiter: How a Norwegian Jew Survived the Holocaust is an addition for both general-interest lending libraries strong in Holocaust studies and for World War II or Judaic history holdings.

23. The holocaust is an immense and vile red herring.

24. Wiesel's speech called to mind the victims of the Holocaust.

25. An exhibition on the Holocaust simply would not do.

26. 2 The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

27. Antisemite, Holocaust denier … yet David Irving claims fresh support

28. She made it all the way through the holocaust with that thing.

29. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

30. The Holocaust which has the dubious distinction of being the best-documented genocide in the world?

31. Cancer survivor, rape survivor, Holocaust survivor, incest survivor.

32. The first time I heard about Holocaust denial, I laughed.

33. 15 The holocaust is an immense and vile red herring.

34. The denial of the Holocaust is the latest twist in this tale of conspiracy and deception.

35. The Armenian genocide cast a long shadow into the Holocaust era

36. At its core, Cannibal Holocaust is a choppy, disgusting mess

37. It's evident they've discussed the most nightmarish aspects of a nuclear holocaust in their classrooms.

38. Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism

39. Some of the students wept, horrified by the Holocaust survivor's stories.

40. After the war, Friedman was in charge of reception centers for children survivors of the Holocaust.

41. Some critics echo the radical anti-abortion lobby in comparing stem cell research to the Holocaust.

42. We visit Kibbutzim that were established by Holocaust survivors.

43. Was she anti-Semitic, and did she know about the Holocaust?

44. Max Liebster is a natural Jew who lived through the Holocaust.

45. Subjects discussed included the Holocaust, sudden climate change, the afterlife, psychic ability, UFOs, and using the human soul in machines.

46. He read Viktor Frankl, the Holocaust survivor and regretted his swastika tattoos.

47. This book represents a major Contribution to our understanding of the Holocaust.

48. She can tell the Holocaust horror stories now without bursting into tears.

49. Ipso facto, I, David Irving, am not a Holocaust denier."

50. By 19 Holocaust remembrance was becoming a national tidal wave.

51. The next month a white supremacist murdered a black guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.

52. 8 The next month a white supremacist murdered a black guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington,[] DC.

53. (Toronto Star) “The Holocaust ‘was all done by baptized Christians.’” —The Tampa Tribune.

54. He spoke about Hadassah's background as the Prague-born daughter of Holocaust survivors.

55. One way we tried to comprehend the Holocaust was by developing certain misapprehensions about it.

56. Heroes, Antiheroes and the Holocaust: American Jewry and Historical Choice $2.96 Only 1 left in stock - order soon

57. But underneath, it's that same extremism that I found in Holocaust denial parading as rational discourse.

58. Claims Conference Establishes Special Emergency Fund for Holocaust Survivors During COVID-19 Crisis

59. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is seeking survivors who were interviewed in 1946 by psychology professor David Boder

60. 27 marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by Soviet forces in WWII

61. Auschwitz II (Birkenau) was the largest extermination camp (death camp) run by Nazi Germany during The Holocaust.

62. According to the paper, Friedman's statements were not well received by local holocaust survivors.

63. :: : Since Holocaust denial and AIDS denialism exist as Antipoles of Holocaust exaggeration and AIDS exaggeration, I look forward to the debates for why the former should be deleted and / or the latter should be created

64. 10 synonyms for Conflagration: fire, blaze, holocaust, inferno, wildfire, blaze, fire, flame

65. It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.

66. Earlier in this century, the whole world suffered when Adolf Hitler and his party followers plunged the world into a holocaust.

67. He realized that the world had changed and that each side was capable of destroying the other in a nuclear holocaust.

68. The Yad Vashem memorial on the hills west of Jerusalem is supposed to commemorate the Holocaust.

69. Adjacent to it is a sculpture reproducing a weeping willow tree in steel to commemorate the Hungarian victims of the Holocaust.

70. The following Bibliographies were compiled to guide readers to materials on various Holocaust-related topics

71. There was no inexorable train of logic which led from that day to the Holocaust.

72. All kinds of fundamentalism translated into frightful actions loaded with violence and recalling the horror of the Holocaust.

73. Ruggero Deodato’s Jungle Holocaust was part of the Italian Cannibal boom of the 70s and 80s

74. With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.

75. Yes, Israelis fear that Iran might gratuitously attempt another Holocaust by attacking them.

76. Antisemitism is prejudice against or hatred of Jews. Learn more about the history of the word and Nazi Antisemitism in the Holocaust Encyclopedia.

77. Speaking about them, the editor of Holocaust Educational Digest noted: “No Jehovah’s Witness will ever go to war. . . .

78. In The Americanization of the Holocaust, Hilene Flanzbaum presents a collection of essays on America's cultural appropriation of this central event in twentieth-century history

79. One way we tried to comprehend the Holocaust was by developing certain misapprehensions about it.

80. On Aug. 30 a bomb was detonated at a Berlin memorial commemorating victims of the holocaust.